Philippians 3:10
“that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death,”
The power of His resurrection allows me to walk in the Spirit. Without His resurrection, I would be stuck in the death of myself, basically still stuck living under Mosaic law. Through that power I get to live my life free of guilt, shame and condemnation. Instead, I have communion with my Father and get to enjoy the fruits of the Spirit. Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Not only that but I also have a guaranteed ticket to heaven! However, on the way there, sufferings are guaranteed. The most certain thing in life is that there will be uncertainties. I know for myself that sufferings are one of the best experiences, based simply on the fact that when I come out of it, the intimacy I have with Jesus is so much greater. My character is reformed and my life better represents the life of Jesus. God teaches me when I climb out of the valley up onto the mountain and look back. I see the valley I just walked through and God shows me how each step was guided and protected by Him. It not only increases my faith and intimacy with Him, but gives me the ability to hope through the next valley, and minister to those who go through similar valleys as I have. I can recall my mountain view on the valley, and testify of the guidance and protection God gave to me to those who are in the valleys. People will believe in the name of Jesus by the word of my testimony. I've begun journaling as I’ve been here simply for the fact of testimony. Not only does it remind me of the faithfulness of God in my life, but can show others that He will be faithful to them too. Last but certainly not least, is being conformed to His death.What does this mean for me? Quite simply, it means just as He left sin and death on the cross, so should I. Why walk in the ways of the flesh when I have the freedom to walk in the resurrection of Christ? Well, there is no reason to walk in the flesh. The times I find myself walking in darkness rather than light are when I’ve let my spiritual guard down. The enemy slips in undetected, or ignored, and then veers me off the straight and narrow into the ways of wickedness. Then I wonder why I’m discouraged or discontented or frustrated. Its for the simple fact that I let my guard down. Gods word wasnt holding priority over my situations and I walk into darkness. Thankfully, God has been guiding me and helping me keep the armor of God on at all times, and I’m beginning to walk in light more often than darkness.
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