Numbers 23:19
“God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?”
God is not human, and for that I am thankful. He may have come in the likeness of man through His Son Jesus, but He will never succumb or be moved by the grievances humankind has. His promises will never be redacted. Our hearts are deceitfully wicked above all else, and each day we change our minds dozens of times. All around the world, commitments are broken through divorce, promises broken through selfish desires, and lies and deceit breathed out. We are a fickle creation due to our lust for things other than God, thinking the world has something better to offer than the One who made it! As the Spirit has revealed to me over the last couple days, Satan has been doing all he can to distract me from the promises of God. To forget His words, both those written in His Word and personally spoken. By this Satan has kept me from being as effective for the kingdom of God as I could be. When I am blinded from the promises of God, I lose my strong footing. I lose any hope and expectation I have and get focused solely on the minute distractions I encounter each day, forgetting the greater purpose I have.
Has God said, and will He not do it?
Has God spoken, and will He not fulfill it?
The answer is a firm and planted yes. He will do it, and He will fulfill it. The God who commanded that “Thou shalt not lie” cannot then turn around and lie. He cannot declare false things for it is not in His nature to do so. All throughout His Word, there are testimonies of His faithfulness to fulfill promises. What comes first to my mind is the many battles and enemies David faced. Without fail, when God said He would deliver an enemy into David's hands,David would have victory over His enemies. When God spoke through the prophets concerning the Messiah, He followed through with the coming of the Messiah. These are only a couple of examples, but in both a similar strand can be found of how human nature handles Gods promises. We hate to wait. We lose sight of the intimate and close words which God has spoken to us in the quiet times. We forget that He is a God who never forgets, who never disappoints, and who never fails to do that which He says He will.
Through the last couple of weeks, I've been fighting a losing battle of confusion. Satan has been without fail battering me with distractions, doing anything and everything to keep me from remembering Gods promises towards me. Instead of having His promises on the forefront of my mind, I've had my problems. I exchanged the promise for the problem, rather than showing the problem the power of promise. It's been so easy to allow the flesh to overcome the Spirit and lock down my mind and heart into a place of discouragement and confusion. But, amidst that chaos, as I endured the waiting, God brought a reminder at the least expected time, yet also the perfect time. And that is the reminder that what has been promised will come to pass, no matter what the situation may look like right now. My heart may be a thousand miles away from its destination now, but I have a guarantee through the prayers of Jesus in Gethsemane, that just as the Father and Him are one, so shall the Father and I be one. I have yet to attain the promises which are to come, but I press on in hope and expectation, knowing that what God has spoken will become my reality.
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