Revelation 22:17
And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.
How blessed are we as children of God that we shall never thirst again! Jesus is our eternal wellspring of thirst-quenching water. No matter what we thirst for, what we hunger for, it can be found in Jesus. Come and taste the living water! Taste and see! There is no limit to His love, and there is no limit to who can come to this indescribable Well. I would be unable to tell in words what His waters are like, what it is like to never thirst again. This is something the heart must experience, not the mouth express.
How blessed are we as children of God that we shall never hunger! Jesus is our bread. He said it Himself! “I am the bread of life.” How can He say this we may ask? How can we eat His flesh, and drink His blood? First off, He is the word made flesh. Everything in Jesus reveals and is according to Gods heart displayed in the Old Testament. Jesus is the Living Word. We do not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Surely, Christ is also the mouth of God, therefore He is our bread! Secondly, as we partake in communion, eating the bread and drinking the wine as we come to His table, we are spiritually eating His flesh, His body which was broken for us, and drinking the blood which He bled for us. We take on and identify with His broken body, His shed blood, and we remember what He has done for our life in the process. Our hunger is satisfied in Him.
How blessed are we as children of God to receive this water and bread for free! Isaiah 55:1 says it all. “Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without price.” This is the grace of God on display!! He truly gives us more than we deserve, and all of it without price! All He asks of us is to come! Come to Him through prayer, tell Him what you need, ask Him, seek Him, knock on the doors of heaven, for they will certainly open to you, child of God! Even to those who are not children of God, He says come. For those of us who have gone off the narrow way, who have backslidden, who have yet to even accept Christ, He says come. You don't have to bring anything but yourself, and He will welcome you with open arms as the father welcomed back his prodigal son. I entreat you, come to Him. He has all you need.
Jesus is always beckoning us to come to Him. Gently, gently, He calls our names, He invites us to come to the waters. Gently He speaks, because He knows the tenderness of our hearts. He will not break a bruised reed, nor quench the embers of a heart. Softly He will restore the reed, gently He will fan our embers into a flame. Do not fear to come to Him, bring all of your darkness, all your hurts, all the pain, and all the needs. Even the darkness is as light to Him, and our God is full of mercy and abounding in love for each and every person who comes to Him.
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