John 10:9
“I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.”
No one can come to the Father except through Jesus Christ. The Father is the destination; home, where we belong. But, for so long I have been separated from Him to one degree or another by sin. Some sin conscious, some ignorant. Nonetheless, it is sin which has kept me from the peace and freedom found in my Father. More often than not I felt a wall as I would seek God. So many a time I would try to get to other side, but all in vain, for it was of my own strength and by works, not by faith. I would attempt to crawl over, break through, go around, dig under, but the wall stretched infinitely in each way. Darkness cannot fellowship with light as simple as black is not white. If I'm in the dark, I will not be able to come into the light, except by one Person. The Person of Jesus Christ. He has become the door, through the cross He was crucified on. Not only is He the door, He is an open door, and I need only come humbly before Him and confess my sins to walk through it. The instant I do so in faith, I may walk through freely. I am then saved from the darkness and brought into His glorious light. Love covers the fears, peace covers the anxieties, joy covers the sorrows, and the power and person of Jesus reigns and lives through me again.
I have found there to be a catch for myself however. It must be done in sincerity. It cannot be done religiously, confessing because the Bible says I need to, but must be done from my own realization of my sin and brokeness. I must see Jesus also as the truth and truly understand what was done for me because of me. It must hit my heart and not my head that Jesus was forsaken by God so I wouldn't have to be. The connection must be made, and it is difficult to maintain that sincere and true connection to believing my brokenness. I can know it in my head all I want, but it's worth nothing if my heart isn't broken and my spirit contrite before God. Through the ups and downs of growing in this area of my relationship with God, I have hope that He who has called me is faithful, and He will answer my prayers to know Jesus as the way, the truth, the life, the door; my Saviour, Friend, King, and Shepherd. Not just in my head, but completely in my heart.