2 Timothy 2:2
“and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.”
Who is one who is faithful? One who is faithful is bottom line trustworthy to rely upon.They will do what they say they will do, and have a record of doing so in the past. They have solid moral compass and integrity. They will not turn their back on you, nor betray you. They always come through. From the outflow of their heart flows a quality of God which He has given them. He was the first faithful. In the Garden of Eden He was faithful, as He sustained all things which He promised He would, clothed Adam and Eve before sending them out of the Garden, and the simple reason He didn’t strike them down when they ate of the Tree is His faithfulness. He was faithful to love them, and did so by providing for them, not letting them leave in the shame of their nakedness. Today, He continues to be just as faithful, thousands of years later. As God promised He would never flood the earth again by creating a rainbow in Genesis, still rainbows are displayed each day around the world. When God said through the prophets that He would pay for our sins, He did so through Jesus, and will always continue to do so as we confess them. Today, God was faithful to give me my daily bread, all I needed to live this day that the He designed for me.
Now comes the question, what about my faithfulness? Well, I can surely say it is pitiful in comparison to the faithfulness of God. The Bible even says that when we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself. Myself on the other hand, even on the best day, will experience a level of faithlessness. Whether it’s anxieties, worries, doubts, fears, wayward thoughts, or forgetting to do something, I miss the mark. I sin, and I sin against God alone. Imagine if God experienced any of those things! The universe would plunge into chaos, especially if God forgot to do something today! Make the earth orbit, supply oxygen, keep the distance between planets the same, hold our bodies together with Laminin. We would be extinct. Dead. Gone. Yet so easily I will forget the One who never forgets, who never lets down. But He never forgets, for He is faithful. He will always know my needs before I know them, already is sending help when I’m shorthanded, will give me power when I am faint, and will draw near to me when I draw near to Him. The only way I will ever grow in my faithfulness is to continue consistently drawing near to Him and seeking to conform to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. I am not perfected in faithfulness, but I press on, and I am thankful for how far He has brought me thus far.
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