Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Works of God Displayed

John 9:3

“Jesus answered, "It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.”
This man was not born blind. He was, but more generally, he was born with a weakness. I have been born with weaknesses, and so have us all. In one area or another, we all fall short, we are not as strong as we can be. But what I wish to focus upon is the deep fight of being patient while blind, and how all the evils accumulate to make good in our lives.

Even in my first week in Uganda, God has allowed me to experience a certain blindness. Not physical, nor cultural, nor anything else but a spiritual blindness. For some mornings, God would leave the lights off. I would fumble around in prayer and in the Word, not being able to focus and frustrated that I could not enter Gods presence as I expected. However, this time was used mightily by God in me.During these mornings I would feel sick as my sin bore down upon me and my soul thirsted solely for the Living Water of God. I got to taste and feel the weight of the guilt and sin and condemnation that Jesus bore on the cross. I found myself living in the flesh and crying to God to be shown the true Way out. I wanted to see Jesus, but did not know how. The enemy had veiled my face from the glory of God revealed in the face of Jesus Christ. I knew Jesus was still there, as His Word promised He would never leave me or forsake me, but I certainly  felt He wasn't there. But then, by Gods grace, I picked up a book to read. For our class book reports, God told me to wait until everyone else grabbed a book, and two options had been left for me. I asked the Lord which to choose, and He spoke “Jesus”. The book that lay there? ‘We Would See Jesus’. As I began to read, God revealed my blind spots and veils. Religiosity, works, service, and seeking an inner experience rather than seeking only the face of Jesus. Suddenly, as I read those pages, I would feel the load of sin upon my shoulders lightened as I sought to see only the face of Jesus. I would continue to fight against it, but God was revealing Himself. Through all of this, I continually asked why this was happening to me, pleading with the Lord to free me from my bondage. Now I know; that the works of God might be displayed in me. I have not yet attained that which I desire, but I press on and in to see the face of Jesus and know the true freedom He has for me.

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