Thursday, February 15, 2018

Obey God Rather Than Men

Acts 5:29

But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: “We ought to obey God rather than men.”

As I read this, I am reminded of what I had read in Deuteronomy 13. Moses had given them a grave warning about those who sought to draw others away from the living God to them. The warning was first about prophets and dreamers, but later included brother, son, daughter, wife, and friends. The punishment for those who advertised false gods was simple; death. If an entire city turned away from the living God, the punishment was even more severe; destroy all the inhabitants with the edge of the sword. Pile all the spoil into the center of the city, and then burn the city and all its spoil as a burnt offering for the Lord. The city would become a heap of ashes and never be built again. Now I would like to imagine that as Peter and the other apostles were facing the council and chief priests, they had this warning in mind. They knew what it meant to fear the Lord, and they knew the end of those who were trying to prevent them from glorifying the living God. They were aware that if they allowed themselves, if they chose, if they were swayed towards obeying and valuing the words and commands of these men, rather than God, they too could face the edge of the sword rather than being ones to wield it.

Something else to note about this scene. It wasn’t just one man answering. It wasn’t just “I” obeying God. It was Peter and the other apostles. It was “we”. These men stood together in their confidence of the Gospel. I imagine them all talking over each other, agreeing with one another and standing firm in the face of this opposition. No earthly authority would sway them when they had received the ultimate authority from God for the life they were called to. They were not afraid to go at these men boldly, believing that the Lion of Judah was going before them and was behind them, ensuring they would have success. The same God who protected others from the lions, the bears, the armies, the enemies, can and will protect these men from whatever will come their way. No created thing can come against the one who is and was and will forever be. So what reason could I ever, ever have to not believe that the same God who was with Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Nehemiah, Jesus, the disciples, the apostles and all who have come after, will not also be with me and deliver me? “Who am I..?” said Moses. “But I will be with you…” said the Lord.

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