Thursday, February 15, 2018

Obey Your Parents

Ephesians 6:1 and Colossians 3:20

"Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord."
Colossians 3:20

"Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right."
Ephesians 6:1

It would be easy for me to say I always obeyed my parents, until I get to ‘all things’. I was the good, responsible kid growing up and always was obedient in my own eyes. But that's where I was wrong. “All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirit,” says Proverbs 16:2. I was self-righteous to a certain degree because of the responsibility and trust I was given, thinking more highly of myself than I ought to. The first thing that comes to my mind where I especially fell short in obeying my parents was homework. There were plenty of times where I was told to do homework but ended with 15 missing assignments at the end of the semester. I easily could have been an A student but because of my lackings, especially in integrity and true responsibility, I was a C/B student, barely scraping by at the end of the semesters. When senior year rolled around I was an A/B student but I now believe I could have pulled A’s if I had put my priorities in line. But, I was too consumed doing me. Playing video games, watching Netflix, and working. Doing everything but what needed to be done. So, therefore, I lived for years in rebellion against what my parents asked me to do, and ultimately what the Lord asked me to do. Now as I’m here in IGNITE, I’ve come to the full understanding that all things I’m asked to do is from God, that they’re never too much for me to handle, and that I am to do it with all my heart and soul. Anything less than my best is the worst. It doesnt matter what it is, it should be done with my full heart, as unto the Lord. Everything I get to do is a privilege, a gift from God. I wouldn't be able to participate in anything if He hadn’t awoken me and given me breath to begin with, so who am I to complain and procrastinate what the Lord has given me to do? I’ve come to a point now where I desire for God to stretch me beyond my limits, to discover how limitless He is and that I have full access to it. I desire to discover who I truly am not, and then find who He truly is for me in the midst of my shortcomings and weaknesses.

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