Revelation 1:9
"I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ."
Just as John was on the island of Patmos, I find myself on an island surrounded by an ocean of grace. I can go for a swim in His grace whenever I please, and rely on Him to give me patience and perseverance in the tribulations and trials I encounter every day. I’m on this island for a year, and I arrived not too long ago. My boat, my escape route, has long floated away into the expanse, beyond the horizon. I’m beyond escaping what God has for me. Of course, there's the option of closing up like the clams of this age, to seclude and recede into myself like the tide recedes into itself. But God. He’s here with me on this island. I came here for one purpose, and I knew in my heart I wouldn't want to escape once I arrived. I’m here for the same reason John went to Patmos. This island is where I meet with Jesus in a way that changes everything. I’ve come for the word of God, for the testimony of Jesus Christ, and to receive revelation of who He is for me. What excites me most about this island is success is guaranteed when my heart is open. John wrote this in past tense. What he came for he received. He opened the door that Jesus knocked on and experienced dining with Him in an incredible experience. Just as John had to endure his time on the island, I find comfort that as I’m on mine, I will make it alive to the other side. You could ask “What if you die? What if you didn't make it back?” but then I’d share the comfort I’ve received from Paul. To live is Christ, to die is gain. My life is in the hands of the King of Creation. He’s the one who fashioned me in my mother's womb and dreamt of me before time began. He’s the same God who was faithful to deliver Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and many others, and I’m no exception to His love, protection and provision. So what will I do with this time on the island I’ve come to? Will I clam up and not receive the words of eternal life? No. I will open my heart each morning in the presence of my Lord as the flower opens its petals to the rays of the sun. Then, I will receive. Receive the nourishment. When the hot days, the cold days, the cloudy and the sunny days come, I will stand tall and strong, and endure each season. Dipping myself in the ocean of grace each morning as I walk down the sand singing praises to His name and thanking Him for another day on this island to hear the word of God.
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