Monday, April 2, 2018


1 Peter 4:7

“The end of the world is coming soon. Therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your prayers.”

I am reminded of a verse earlier this week that ties in well with this. Mark 1:35, which says how Jesus arose early in the morning to go and pray alone. There is a discipline in early prayers, as well as continuing prayer throughout the day. Earnestness is also a prayer quality that can be easy to glance over. Getting into a rhythm of prayer is dangerous for me. It takes the life out of it, and thus I receive no real life. My prayers are not to be rigid and written, but flowing from my heart. Just as I would sit and share my heart with someone at a table, so I should with God. This can tend to be difficult as I find I run out of words and feel a loss of earnestness and sincerity. To keep things alive and organic, I will pray scripture over myself and it will marinate in my heart as I do so. The marination and meditation of Gods word in me always produces such fantastic fruits of peace and contentment within my heart.

Another important ideal of prayer for me is along the lines of meditation, and actually is part of meditation. Taking my time. Praying slowly and comprehending and meaning each word I speak to God. I find it so easy to drift into uttering spiritual sounding prayers with no spiritual meaning. My prayers are fruitless when said in responsibility rather than relationship. Prayer is not a job or duty. It is a discipline, but its never to be looked at as a checklist. Prayer is simply talking with God, and listening for His answers. Its making needs known and trusting Him to provide, no matter the need.

Prayer is most important due to the truth that the end of this world is coming soon. Peoples souls are being sent to hell every day, and its our mission and responsibility to save souls. Jesus called us into the world to preach the gospel and save souls. Earnest and disciplined prayer is our weapon to accomplish the Great Commission.

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