Thursday, February 22, 2018

Out Of Reverence

Ephesians 5:21

“submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.”

Lay down your life. Give up your rights. Toss them out the window. Jesus did, for though He was fully God and fully man, He didn’t count equality with God a thing to be grasped (Phil. 2:6). Jesus was fully submitted to the will of His Father in everything. There wasnt a word He spoke, place He went, or action He took that wasn’t what God wanted. Jesus submitted out of reverence for His Father. Therefore, I ought to submit to my brothers and sisters out of reverence for Christ. Submission can look like a lot of different things in many different situations but it boils down to being willing to compromise, to give up always wanting to do what you want and what you say. I don't have the greatest ideas but there are times where what I suggest does follow through. But, there's also times where I need to allow others ideas and vision to come into play and be willing to work with what they bring. For me, its just about being quiet more often than not and letting any ideas be meditated upon and prayed through. If it is from God, it will stick and it will happen, but I can't force something that I just pulled out of a hat. Christians aren't supposed to be magicians, we are followers of an ultimate magician who works wonders beyond imagination. I haven't got any rights then to come and say that what I come up with is the sole answer. God is infinite and wise and unendingly creative, and isn't limited to one idea. Since the one who created me, and billions of others, all uniquely, I should not be bound to myself, but silently submit to what others would like to do more often. “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” (Phil. 2:4) While it is in my interest to participate in decisions, since its always a team effort, its also in others interest to be able to guide the direction of the decision and not feel like they've got to submit to my ideas. Again, it all boils down to tossing my self out the window in a sense. If Jesus submitted to the point of death for the good of others, so should I, and so shall I.

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