Thursday, February 15, 2018

Possess Your Souls

Luke 21:19

“By your patience possess your souls.”

What is possession? One of the definitions is ownership. I find it interesting that we are to own our own souls. That we are to win our soul, and gain our lives. This actually interests me much more than than the means by which we attain that goal. Why would I want to win my soul? What benefit is there in that? I reason that because my soul is credited with the functions of thinking and willing, Jesus found it necessary to instruct me to take hold of my soul. In order to live a life worthy of the calling of Christ, my thoughts and will needs to be aligned with the His thoughts and His will. I need to conform to the image of Christ, walk in the light as He is in the light and have the mind of Christ. Possessing my soul is of utmost importance. If I’m not in possession of my soul, then it can be very easy to fall away into the world. When my thoughts and will aren't aligned with Christ's, then it opens the floodgates for any other influence to come in and take residence and direct my life. I recall the days where I wasnt under true possession of my soul. My thoughts would be full of evil, and my will would be pointed towards my wants and desires. The despair that left me in was crippling. I wasn't designed to allow my soul to be blown to and fro by any wind of doctrine. I am to possess my soul in accordance with the mind of Christ. Thankfully, God has a solution for both the thoughts and will. He gave me the mind of Christ for my thoughts and His word to reveal His will. Both unfortunately and fortunately, it takes time to learn to possess the soul. I've grabbed hold pretty firmly of my own, but there are still plenty of times where I leave the door cracked and the demons sneak in. My mind runs astray for some time but the magnet of Christs love is so strong I always find myself pulled back to Him. To say it takes patience, endurance, and perseverance to get to that point is an understatement. Words can't express the journey my heart went on to get where it is. My hearts experience will continue to be unexplainable as I seek God and grow a stronger grip on the waywardness of my soul, to keep it set in on things above and not things in the earth.

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