Thursday, February 15, 2018

Present Yourselves

Romans 6:16

“Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?”

Present yourselves. Presentation is incredibly important in the Christians life, for the way you live your life is a presentation of what you believe. Each day as you go into the world, your life needs to reflect the heart of God. You are the presenter standing on stage of life and the audience is the world. As they watch you, your life, not your words, is what will convince them that what you are a slave to, who you serve, is worth giving their life to. They will know you, and in turn know God by the fruits you produce. A bad tree is a tree thats fed by sin, which will wither away and decompose. If I’m living in a way that makes my tree die, if I’m fed by sin and they see the end result of death within the way I live, they have every right to walk away. Especially if I’m preaching Christ with my words but doing the exact opposite in my life. But, if I’m obedient follow the word of God which has been given to me, the fruits I bear will have much more weight than any words I could speak. The audience will ask questions and seek out how my tree is bearing fruits they’ve never seen before. As I am a faithful witness and follower of Christ, the people will follow. They will come, and because I’ve spent my time soaking in the Word I will be prepared to lead them into the abundant life God has for them. I have walked where they have not and I will be able to lead them through it. So may I long and yearn to be an obedient slave to Gods word, to what He calls me to, and is calling me to. May my life present the gospel in a way that my words never could. May I daily present my life as a living sacrifice to God, giving up my rights to accomplish His will. For God, I am a mouthpiece, I am a tool, I am a vessel for His glorification. As I diligently seek Him, I will be rewarded for the sacrifices I make, both in this life and the next. In God’s economy, I’m not just a bond servant or slave, I’m a son too and He will not neglect to give me the portion of rewards I am due for the sacrifice I have given.

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