Thursday, February 15, 2018

You Get What You Get

Luke 3:14

“Likewise the soldiers asked him, saying, “And what shall we do?” So he said to them, “Do not intimidate anyone or accuse falsely, and be content with your wages.”

Just as these soldiers had to learn to be content with their wages, so have I. Thankfully, I believe that the worst seasons of discontentment materially are behind me. I was only interested in making more money, to buy more stuff, for all the wrong reasons. It was for my own satisfaction. But, as I quit my job as a valet and transitioned into making less and working less as a delivery driver for my dad, I learned at a greater depth how vain it was to pursue what the world had to offer. The less time I worked, going from a 9-5 with about 2 hours of traffic, to 6-11 with rarely any traffic taught me how much I really didn't need in life. I could've gotten another job to make more money. But, then I would sacrifice the time I was now blessed with to spend more time at church and growing with Christ. And the best part? There was never a point where I didn't have what I needed. The number would get low, yes, but even I wouldnt be ran dry. I learned too that the more money I had in my account working as a valet, the more anxious I got. I remember one day when I had gotten home from work (as a driver), and being so content with what I had. I had just read Matthew 6:26, where Jesus spoke about how the Father cares for the birds who don't do anything but eat, sleep and sing, and yet He provides for them. So therefore, being made in the image of God, He would provide for my needs as well. As I stood on the porch of my 100 sq.ft. bedroom that I shared with my brother, with a half finished bathroom and various spiderwebs on the ceiling (because the room was next to a horse riding arena), and looked out at the simple truck I now owned, parked at a 55 acre horse ranch property outside a small town, I had truly experienced contentment. I had everything I needed, and more. I didn't do anything to deserve it, but because of Gods grace and mercy for me, I got to be loved by Him. The best part wasn’t even what I was content with, it was that as the sun set while standing on the porch, the same birds Jesus spoke about were singing and flying around the barn in front of me. God has reminded me of this story for a reason. Now knowing that I’m going across the planet for 6 months, I take comfort that the God who created and loves and provides for those birds, will also provide for me, His child, His son, to live and serve Him in Uganda.

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